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Results / November 3, 2023 / by TNA Wrestling Staff
Turning Point is presented by the survival thriller ‘Deep Fear: Sharks vs Narcs’. Now streaming on demand.
As the stars of IMPACT Wrestling battle it out for total supremacy, who will reach their Turning Point? It’s time to find out from the Walker Dome in Newcastle, England!
The action begins on Countdown to Turning Point.
Grado & Rhino vs Ryan Richards & Mike D
Grado delivers a series of right hands to Richards, followed by a Bionic Elbow. Richards rakes the eyes of Grado, preventing him from making the tag to Rhino. Mike wears Grado down with a vertical suplex. Grado counters a powerslam from Richards, then tags in Rhino. The pace quickens as Rhino Gores Richards for three.
Grado & Rhino def Ryan Richards & Mike D
GORE GORE GORE!!!! #Rhino and @gradowrestling are victorious on the #CountdownToTurningPoint!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 3, 2023
North Wrestling Champion Leon Slater vs Mark Haskins w/ Vicky Haskins – North Wrestling Championship
Haskins jumps Slater before the opening bell. Haskins dives through the ropes, taking out Slater on the floor. Vicky trips up Slater from ringside, allowing Haskins to remain in control. Haskins targets the arm of Slater but he fights through the pain to create an opening. Slater hits a running dropkick in the corner but Haskins bounces back with a big clothesline. Haskins turns him inside out with innovative offense. Slater hits Haskins with a cutter but Vicky pulls him to safety. Slater soars over the ring post to take out Haskins on the outside. Slater connects with the Swanton 450 splash to win.
North Wrestling Champion Leon Slater def Mark Haskins w/ Vicky Haskins – North Wrestling Championship
.@LEONSLATER_ takes on @ThisIsHaskins NEXT on the #CountdownToTurningPoint!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 3, 2023
Turning Point is on the air!
#TurningPoint is NOW!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 4, 2023
Josh Alexander & Eric Young vs SUBCULTURE (Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster)
Alexander and Young work together in the early going to assert their power over Andrews and Webster. Andrews targets Alexander’s left knee to gain the momentary advantage. Alexander begins to wear Webster down with a belly-to-back suplex as he and Young employ quick tags. Webster evades Young, sending him crashing into the steel ring post. The separation allows Webster to tag in Andrews. The pace quickens as Andrews hits Code Red on Alexander. Young soars with a top rope elbow drop to Andrews but it’s not enough. Alexander and Young lock in a pair of Sharpshooters but SUBCULTURE makes it to the bottom rope. Andrews hits Stundog Millionaire on both of his opponents. Webster follows up with Shadows Over Malice but Young kicks out at two. Webster picks Alexander off the top with a Hurricanrana. Webster inadvertently strikes his own partner with Blitz Knee Bop. Alexander puts Andrews away with the C4 Spike to win.
Josh Alexander & Eric Young def SUBCULTURE (Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster)
The Blitz Knee Bop BACKFIRED! #TurningPoint@Walking_Weapon @TheEricYoung @MandrewsJunior @Flash_Morgan
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 4, 2023
After being signed by IMPACT/TNA President Scott D’Amore, Leon Slater will be a member of the roster in 2024!
Welcome to IMPACT @LEONSLATER_! #TurningPoint
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 4, 2023
Gisele Shaw vs Alex Windsor
Windsor is perched on the top but Shaw sends her toppling to the floor. Shaw hits a running uppercut for two. Shaw remains in control with a draping DDT. Windsor hits a clothesline to create separation. Windsor continues the assault as she takes Shaw off her feet with another clothesline. Windsor connects with a top rope dropkick. Shaw bounces back with a springboard cutter for two. Windsor hits a modified Blue Thunder Bomb but it’s not enough. Shaw scores the victory following the Denouement.
Gisele Shaw def Alex Windsor
.@HailWindsor PLANTED with a Running Knee Strike! @GiseleShaw08 #TurningPoint
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 4, 2023
Simon Miller says that Joe Hendry is going to believe in him after their match tonight.
.@SimonMiller316 faces off with @joehendry TONIGHT at #TurningPoint!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 4, 2023
Rich Swann vs Trey Miguel
It’s a stalemate in the early going as Rich Swann and Trey Miguel match each other’s pace. Swann gains the first advantage as he dropkicks Miguel to the outside. Miguel quickly turns the tide on the floor, delivering a back suplex on the hardest part of the ring. Miguel prevents Swann from re-entering the ring as he knocks him down with a handspring. They brawl up the ramp where Swann leaps off the stage but gets caught with a mid-air superkick. Swann beats the referee’s 10 count, then creates an opening with a dropkick. Miguel avoids the 450 Splash, then almost puts him away with Avengers. Both men exchange strikes and both men are down following a Posion Rana super kick combo from Miguel. Miguel is shocked after Swann kicks out of the Lightning Spiral. Swann rips him off the top rope with a cutter, then puts Miguel away with the 450 Splash.
Rich Swann def Trey Miguel
#RichSwann CONNECTS with a middle rope 450!#TurningPoint
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 4, 2023
Dani Luna looks to make a statement against Jordynne Grace next.
Jordynne Grace vs Dani Luna
Luna puts her raw power on display as she deadlifts Grace for a vertical suplex. Both Knockouts are down following stereo headbutts in the middle of the ring. Luna hits a German suplex off the ropes, then follows up with a clothesline for two. Grace fights out of the corner, then drives Luna into the canvas for a near fall of her own. Luna counters the Juggernaut Driver but then it’s Grace who avoids the Luna Landing. Grace successfully hits the Juggernaut Driver to win.
Jordynne Grace def Dani Luna
.@DaniLuna_pro and @JordynneGrace turned #TurningPoint into a Slug Fest!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 4, 2023
Before the next match begins, Simon Miller addresses the crowd and claims that he’s more successful than the rest of the locker room. Joe Hendry reveals his latest music video, poking fun at Miller.
.@joehendry has a surprize song for @SimonMiller316! #TurningPoint
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 4, 2023
Joe Hendry vs Simon Miller
Miller attacks Hendry from behind before the opening bell. Hendry drops him with a clothesline, followed by a powerslam. Hendry hits a stalling vertical suplex for two. Miller feigns injury, allowing him to rake the eyes of Hendry behind the referee’s back. Miller hits a side slam for a near fall of his own. Hendry fights out of a submission attempt, then hits a Fallaway Slam. Miller uses the top rope to create separation and capitalizes with a spear. Hendry hits a mid-air cutter to turn the tide. Hendry connects with the Standing Ovation to win.
Joe Hendry def Simon Miller
.@joehendry shuts @SimonMiller316 up for good at #TurningPoint!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 4, 2023
During the UK Invasion Tour, IMPACT Wrestling began its search for the next pro wrestling stars as over 150 athletes participated in the Gut Check tryout. The winners were Mike D and Harley Hudson.
Congratulations to the winners of Gut Check – @harleyhudsonx and @MikeD_Vecchio! #TurningPoint
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 4, 2023
X-Division Champion Chris Sabin & Frankie Kazarian vs Moose & Brian Myers
Sabin counters Sky High from Moose. Kazarian hits Moose with his signature springboard leg drop. Sabin traps Myers in the Tree of Woe. Sabin and Kazarian use Myers’ head as a battering ram as they go low on Moose. Moments later, Moose makes the blind tag and takes out Sabin with a big boot. Sabin counters a powerbomb from Moose but Myers takes away his tag option by pulling Kazarian off the apron. Sabin spikes Moose with a tornado DDT, creating some much-needed separation and the opportunity to tag in Kazarian. The pace quickens as Kazarian hits Myers with the slingshot cutter. Kazarian spikes him with the slingshot DDT for two. Sabin almost puts Moose away with a Code Red but Myers breaks the pin. Kazarian hits a mid-air cutter on Moose. The fight spills to the outside where Moose drives Kazarian back-first into the steel ring post. Moose spears Sabin off the apron. Back in the ring, Myers counters the Chicken Wing from Kazarian. Moose spears Kazarian to score the pinfall victory.
Moose & Brian Myers def X-Division Champion Chris Sabin & Frankie Kazarian
TNA TNA TNA! #TurningPoint@FrankieKazarian @TheMooseNation @SuperChrisSabin @Myers_Wrestling
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 4, 2023
Knockouts World Champion Trinity vs Deonna Purrazzo – Knockouts World Championship Match w/ Gail Kim as Special Guest Referee
This is Deonna Purrazzo’s last chance to capture the Knockouts World Title from Trinity. Purrazzo quickly retreats to the outside when Trinity goes for Starstruck in the early going. Trinity hits a low running clothesline, followed by the splits for two. Purrazzo dropkicks her off the apron to gain control. Purrazzo begins to target the left arm of Trinity. Trinity hits a Stunner out of the corner but Purrazzo shuts down her momentum with a back elbow. Trinity sends Purrazzo shoulder-first into the steel ring post. Trinity hits a modified bulldog, followed by a series of short-arm clotheslines. Trinity connects with the Rear View for two. Purrazzo locks in the Fujiwara Armbar but Trinity crawls to the bottom rope to break the hold. Purrazzo plants her with Queen’s Gambit but it’s not enough to keep Trinity down. Trinity locks in Starstruck but Purrazzo transitions into a pin attempt for two. Trinity hits the Full Nelson Slam, then locks in another Star Struck to win by submission.
Knockouts World Champion Trinity def Deonna Purrazzo – Knockouts World Championship Match w/ Gail Kim as Special Guest Referee
SPLIT! @TheTrinity_Fatu #TurningPoint
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 4, 2023
After the match, Purrazzo jumps Trinity from behind. Purrazzo pushes special referee Gail Kim but Kim fights back. Kim takes out Purrazzo with Eat Defeat.
EAT DEFEAT! @gailkimITSME #TurningPoint
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 4, 2023
Will Ospreay declares victory in his first-time-ever clash with Eddie Edwards.
Will Ospreay vs Eddie Edwards
Edwards wears Ospreay down with a headlock. Ospreay reverses an Irish whip into a handspring back elbow. Ospreay remains in control with a springboard forearm. Ospreay drops him into the top rope, then soars with a slingshot crossbody to the outside. Ospreay is going for the Hidden Blade but Edwards retreats. Edwards drives the back of Ospreay into the apron. Edwards hits a Backpack Stunner for two. Edwards hits a series of chops but Ospreay creates separation with Stundog Millionaire. Ospreay connects with a Cheeky Nandos kick. Ospreay almost puts him away a Spanish Fly. Ospreay hits the Oscutter but it’s still not enough. Edwards catches him with a mid-air Blue Thunder Bomb. Ospreay hits the Hidden Blade but Edwards immediately bounces back with the Boston Knee Party. Both men exchange strikes in the middle of the ring. Edwards gains the upper-hand with a clothesline, followed by the Tiger Driver for another near fall. Ospreay counters another Boston Knee Party into the Hidden Blade. Ospreay connects with the Styles Clash but Edwards kicks out. Ospreay hits one final Hidden Blade, followed by the Stormbreaker to win.
Will Ospreay def Eddie Edwards
.@WillOspreay is taking it to @TheEddieEdwards! #TurningPoint
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 4, 2023
After the match, Ospreay addresses the live crowd and says that TNA was what inspired him and so many others to take professional wrestling to the next level. Ospreay says that no matter what happens in February, he will always be in TNA’s corner.
.@WillOspreay takes us off the air at #TurningPoint!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 4, 2023
Turning Point goes off the air.