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Results / February 24, 2023 / by TNA Wrestling Staff
The action begins on Countdown to No Surrender!
Gisele Shaw w/ Jai Vidal vs Deonna Purrazzo
The fight spills to the outside as Shaw takes control. Purrazzo tries to get things going but Shaw repeatedly shuts her momentum down. Shaw hits a double foot stomp in the corner for two. Both Knockouts are down following stereo clotheslines in the middle of the ring. Purrazzo begins to turn the tide as she hits a side Russian leg sweep. Shaw counters Queen’s Gambit into a backbreaker Flatliner combo for another near fall. Shaw goes for a Queen’s Gambit of her own but Purrazzo avoids it and locks in the Fujiwara Armbar. Shaw crawls to the bottom rope to break the hold. Jai Vidal provides a distraction from ringside, allowing Savannah Evans to blindside Purrazzo with the Full Nelson Slam. Shaw hits her signature knee strike to win.
Gisele Shaw w/ Jai Vidal def Deonna Purrazzo
After the match, Vidal and Evans raise the hand of Shaw.
.@DeonnaPurrazzo had @GiseleShaw08 beat until @SavannahEvansNV shockingly ruined the momentum! #CountdownToNoSurrender
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 25, 2023
Jonathan Gresham vs Mike Bailey
Gresham hits a big dropkick to gain the advantage. Gresham locks in a Figure Four leg lock but Bailey fights through the pain and makes it to the bottom rope. Both men are down following a flurry of offense. They make it to their feet at the referee’s count of nine, then exchange strike for strike. Gresham hits a springboard Moonsault, then soars with a dive to the floor. Back in the ring, Bailey spikes him with a Poison Rana, then winds up for a running kick. Gresham avoids Ultima Weapon and rolls up Bailey to win.
Jonathan Gresham def Mike Bailey
HUGE Moonsault! @TheJonGresham @SpeedballBailey #CountdownToNoSurrender
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 25, 2023
No Surrender is on the air!
#NoSurrender is SOLD OUT!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 25, 2023
Director of Authority Santino Marella welcomes us to the show.
Frankie Kazarian vs Kon w/ The Design (Deaner & Angels) & Callihan
Santino Marella joins Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt on commentary. Kazarian clotheslines Kon over the top rope. Kon bounces off the ropes, then takes out Kazarian with a clothesline of his own on the outside. Back in the ring, Kon hits a Spinebuster for two. Kon launches him over the top rope with a vicious Irish whip. Kazarian creates an opening, then turns the tide with a reverse DDT. Kon counters the Flux Capacitor, then crashes and burns on a diving headbutt attempt. Angels distracts the referee but Kazarian makes him pay. Callihan inadvertently nails Kon with a steel chair, allowing Kazarian to capitalize with the cutter for three.
Frankie Kazarian def Kon w/ The Design (Deaner & Angels) & Callihan
.@TheSamiCallihan just NAILED @Big_Kon1 with a chair … accidentally?! #NoSurrender
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 25, 2023
Brian Myers hopes that Moose makes a fool out of Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry tonight, just like Hendry did to his best friend, Matt Cardona.
Knockouts World Tag Team Champions Death Dollz (Jessicka & Taya Valkyrie) w/ Rosemary vs Hex (Allysin Kay & Marti Belle) – Knockouts World Tag Team Championship
Kay whips Belle into the corner where she collides with Jessicka. Kay taunts Valkyrie, allowing Belle to illegally attack Jessicka while the referee is distracted. Hex cut off the ring and employ quicks tags as they begin to wear Jessicka down. Jessicka finally creates some separation, allowing her to make the tag to a fired up Valkyrie. The pace quickens as Valkyrie hits Kay with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Valkyrie stomps Kay’s face into the mat but Belle breaks the pin. The Death Dollz counter Hex Marks the Spot, leading to the Sick Driver from Jessicka to score the pin on Belle.
Knockouts World Tag Team Champions Death Dollz (Jessicka & Taya Valkyrie) w/ Rosemary def Hex (Allysin Kay & Marti Belle) – Knockouts World Tag Team Championship
.@thetayavalkyrie is coming in HOT! #NoSurrender
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 25, 2023
Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry vs Moose – Dot Combat Match for the Digital Media Championship
Moose jumps him before the opening bell to gain the early advantage. Hendry smashes a keyboard over the back of Moose. Hendry attempts the Trust Fall but Moose rakes his eyes to avoid it. Hendry tosses Moose over the top rope instead, then whips him into the steel ring posts. Moose puts him through a table on the outside. Hendry nails him in the head with a Sega Dreamcast, then uses a remote control car to add insult to injury. Hendry successfully hits the Trust Fall but it’s not enough to keep Moose down. Moose goes Sky High with a thunderous powerbomb for two. Moose empties a bag of key caps on the mat but Hendry makes him pay for it with a Superplex. Hendry hurls a gaming chair at Moose, followed by a pop-up powerbomb into the key caps for another near fall. Hendry places a VR headset on Moose’s head and torments him with the Dancing Moose music video. Moose rolls him up with a hold of the tights. Turnabout is fair play as Hendry does the same to score the pinfall.
Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry def Moose – Dot Combat Match for the Digital Media Championship
Dancing @TheMooseNation returns! @joehendry #NoSurrender
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 25, 2023
Mickie James declares victory in her Knockouts World Title defense against Masha Slamovich later tonight.
.@MeanGiaMiller caught up with @MickieJames before her Knockouts Championship with @mashaslamovich later tonight! #NoSurrender
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 25, 2023
Dave LaGreca Hosts the First-Ever LIVE Busted Open With Bully Ray & Tommy Dreamer
Bully Ray and Tommy Dreamer will have 60 seconds to air their grievances. After winning last night’s Beat the Clock Challenge, Bully has earned the right to speak first. Bully simply says “I’m sorry” but Dreamer doesn’t buy it. Bully admits that he has gone too far, especially what he said about Dreamer’s mother. Bully wants to make amends with Dreamer before he dies. Dreamer begins to accept his apology but then, Bully burns him with coffee and nails him in the head with the carafe.
.@bullyray5150 is a disgusting human! @THETOMMYDREAMER @davidlagreca1 #NoSurrender
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 25, 2023
Steve Maclin hopes that Rich Swann becomes IMPACT World Champion tonight, because Maclin vows to become #1 Contender and he’s already proven that he can defeat Swann.
Steve Maclin vs Brian Myers vs Heath vs PCO – Four-Way #1 Contenders Match
Everyone swarms PCO at the opening bell. PCO quickly fights back, colliding with Maclin and sending him over the top rope. Heath launches himself off the apron with a senton, taking out Maclin and Myers. Maclin unleashes the SCUD Missile. PCO is next to fly as he soars with the PCO Sault to the outside. Myers hits PCO with a back body drop off the stairs, his back thudding on the floor. Maclin and Myers hit PCO with a double suplex on the ramp. Myers almost puts Heath away with a spear. PCO hits the PCO Sault on Myers but Eddie Edwards blindsides him with a shovel to the back. The action continues as Heath gives Myers the Wake Up Call. Maclin hits the KIA on Heath to win the match and become #1 Contender for the IMPACT World Title.
Steve Maclin def Brian Myers, Heath & PCO – Four-Way #1 Contenders Match
After the match, X-Division Champion Trey Miguel complains that he’s not on the show. Miguel continues to run his mouth and PCO has had enough, chokeslamming him onto the hardest part of the ring.
.@TheTreyMiguel showed up to run his mouth and paid for it! @PCOisNotHuman #NoSurrender
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 25, 2023
Time Machine (IMPACT World Tag Team Champions Motor City Machine Guns & KUSHIDA) vs Bullet Club (KENTA, Ace Austin & Chris Bey)
It’s a stalemate in the early going as KENTA and KUSHIDA jockey for position. The Guns gain the first advantage of the match with their signature brand of high-octane offense on Ace. Sabin knocks Bey and KENTA off the apron, allowing for an assisted triple team dropkick from Time Machine. The assault continues as KUSHIDA and Shelly hold KENTA down for a dropkick from Sabin. Ace soars with the Fosbury Flop, as Bey follows up with an aerial attack of his own to take out Time Machine. KUSHIDA hits a rolling forearm on KENTA, followed by a Pele Kick to create some much-needed separation. Sabin and Shelley inadvertently collide with one another. Moments later, Sabin accidently kicks his other partner, KUSHIDA. KENTA hits Sabin with a top rope double foot stomp for two. Sabin counters the Go2Sleep into a Brainbuster on KENTA. Sabin counters The Art of Finesse into a German Suplex, then spikes Ace with a tornado DDT. KUSHIDA hits a handspring back elbow on Ace but Bey prevents the follow-up Hoverboard Lock. The action is fast and furious as Ace traps Sabin in a backslide to win.
Bullet Club (KENTA, Ace Austin & Chris Bey) def Time Machine (IMPACT World Tag Team Champions Motor City Machine Guns & KUSHIDA)
The Bullet Club is FINESSING The Time Machine! @The_Ace_Austin @DashingChrisBey #KENTA#NoSurrender
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 25, 2023
Knockouts World Champion Mickie James vs Masha Slamovich – Knockouts World Championship
James targets the arm of Slamovich in the opening moments of the match. James hits a superkick for an early two count. Slamovich counters the Mick-DT, dropping her throat first on the top rope. James gives new meaning to “Hardcore Country” as she bites the tongue of Slamovich. Moments later, Slamovich locks in a Kimura to do some serious damage. James hits a Hurricanrana out of the corner but Slamovich shuts her momentum down with a dropkick. Slamovich dives through the ropes, colliding with her on the outside. Back in the ring, James hits a neckbreaker, giving her a window of opportunity. James almost puts Slamovich away with her signature seated senton. Slamovich counters another Mick-DT attempt but James nails her with the Mick Kick for yet anohter near fall. Slamovich puts in a rear-naked choke but the ropes force her to break the hold. James pins Slamovich out of the corner to escape with her Knockouts World Title intact.
Knockouts World Champion Mickie James def Masha Slamovich – Knockouts World Championship
.@MickieJames is BITING the tongue of @mashaslamovich!#NoSurrender
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 25, 2023
IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander vs Rich Swann – IMPACT World Championship
Swann has Alexander’s number as he’s a split second away from landing a pinpoint superkick. Swann attempts to wear him down but Alexander counters with a suplex. Alexander hits a German suplex, then transitions into a bridge for two. The fight spills to the outside where Alexander remains in control. Back in the ring, Alexander connects with a vicious back elbow. Swann begins to build momentum with an explosive rolling clothesline. Swann sends Alexander and himself toppling over the top rope to the floor. Swann hits a step-up corkscrew, colliding with Alexander near the bottom of the ramp. Swann hits the rolling splash but Alexander gets shoulder up in time. Swann spikes him with a Poison Rana but it’s still not enough to put Alexander away. Swann goes for the handspring cutter but Alexander cuts him off with a running crossbody. Alexander locks in the Ankle Lock but Swann rolls through and sends him into the turnbuckles. Alexander hits the C4 Spike but Swann rolls away, preventing him from making the cover. Alexander drops Swann on the hardest part of the ring. Swann shows signs of life, connecting with the Phoenix Splash for a very close near fall. Alexander avoids the next Phoenix Splash attempt, then locks in the Ankle Lock. Swann knocks the headgear clean off Alexander’s head to break the hold. Both men exchange strikes in the middle of the ring. Swann hits the handspring cutter but Alexander kicks out at two. Alexander counters another handspring cutter into a Piledriver. Alexander connects with the C4 Spike to retain the IMPACT World Title.
IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander def Rich Swann – IMPACT World Championship
What A Match! @Walking_Weapon #RichSwann#NoSurrender
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 25, 2023
Alexander celebrates with the IMPACT World Title held high as No Surrender goes off the air.