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Results / August 25, 2022 / by TNA Wrestling Staff
The action begins Before the IMPACT with an exclusive match!
Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice vs Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Hikuleo)
Tag team action kicks off the night as Johnny Swinger and Zicky Dice take on Bullet Club’s Ace Austin and Hikuleo. Swinger hooks Austin’s leg from the outside, allowing Dice to take control. Dice hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Austin. Swinger and Dice cut off the ring as they begin to wear Austin down. Moments later, Austin avoids a powerslam and makes the tag to Hikuleo. The pace quickens as Hikuleo unloads on his opponents. Hikuleo connects with a chokeslam on Dice. Austin scores the victory following The Fold on Dice!
Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Hikuleo) def Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice
#BeforeTheIMPACT starts NOW!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 25, 2022
Watch Here:
The road to Bound For Glory continues, an all-new IMPACT! is on the air.
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
Knockouts World Tag Team Champions VXT (Deonna Purrazzo & Chelsea Green) vs Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace & Mia Yim – Knockouts World Tag Team Championship
VXT defend their newly-won Knockouts World Tag Team Titles against the formidable duo of Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace and Mia Yim. Purrazzo takes Grace out at the knees, allowing Green to gain the advantage with a DDT. Grace fights back into her corner where she makes the tag to Yim. VXT takes control as they cut off the ring and employ quick tags. Yim avoids an incoming spear, sending Purrazzo crashing into the steel ring post. Yim makes the tag to Grace who hits a big spinebuster on Purrazzo. Grace takes out Purrazzo with a dive but Green cuts off Yim in mid-air with a forearm shot. VXT connect with the Due Collector on Grace as Purrazzo pins her to retain the Knockouts World Tag Team Titles!
Knockouts World Tag Team Champions VXT (Deonna Purrazzo & Chelsea Green) def Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace & Mia Yim – Knockouts World Tag Team Championship
The Knockouts World Tag Team Champions are in the house! @ImChelseaGreen @DeonnaPurrazzo #IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
Right when @JordynneGrace and @MiaYim were picking up some steam @ImChelseaGreen stopped the momentum! #IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
Eric Young sends a message to Time Machine ahead of their six-man main event against Violent By Design tonight. Young says that their “time” is up.
Check out what Violent By Design had to say to Time Machine! @CodyDeaner @TheEricYoung @bigjoedoering #IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
Vincent approaches IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander in the back. Alexander accuses him of trying to play mind games before Eddie Edwards IMPACT World Title shot at Bound For Glory.
IMPACT World Tag Team Champion Karl Anderson vs Mike Bennett w/ Maria Kanellis – If Anderson Wins, Kanellis is Banned From Ringside During the IMPACT World Tag Team Title Match
Before The Good Brothers defend the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles against Matt Taven and Mike Bennett, Karl Anderson goes one-on-one with Bennett tonight. If Anderson wins, Maria Kanellis will be banned from ringside for that match. Anderson is in control as he clotheslines Bennett over the top rope to the floor. Bennett bounces back with a clothesline on the outside. Back in the ring, Anderson hits a running dropkick but Bennett takes him out with a superkick. Anderson connects with his signature spinebuster for two. Kanellis distracts the referee, allowing Taven to get involved from the outside. Doc Gallows evens the odds for Anderson, who hits the Gun Stun on Bennett for three!
IMPACT World Tag Team Champion Karl Anderson def Mike Bennett w/ Maria Kanellis – If Anderson Wins, Kanellis is Banned From Ringside During the IMPACT World Tag Team Title Match
.@RealMikeBennett with a thumb TO THE EYE!#IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
NICE TRY @MariaLKanellis!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
IMPACT Executive Vice President Scott D’Amore informs The Good Brothers that since Doc Gallows is healthy, they will defend their IMPACT World Tag Team Titles against Honor No More’s Matt Taven and Mike Bennett next week!
"Shut their mouths PLEASE"
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
The Good Brothers VS The Kingdom goes down NEXT WEEK on #IMPACTonAXSTV!@ScottDAmore @MachineGunKA @The_BigLG #IMPACTonAXSTV
Dr. Ross says that Savannah Evans has suffered internal damage to her neck following her loss to Killer Kelly last week. Kelly attacks Tasha Steelz during an interview with Gia Miller.
.@RealTSteelz was talking SMACK until @Kelly_WP showed up!#IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
Jason Hotch vs Bhupinder Gujjar
Digital Media Champion Brian Myers joins Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt on commentary as Bhupinder Gujjar battles Gut Check winner Jason Hotch. Gujjar attempts a powerslam but Hotch fights it off with an eye rake. Gujjar quickly turns the tide with a spinebuster. Gujjar hits the Gargoyle Spear to score the victory!
Bhupinder Gujjar def Jason Hotch
.@Myers_Wrestling has joined @TomHannifan and @DramaKingMatt on commentary! #IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
Gut Check winner @TheJasonHotch looks ready to make his @IMPACTWRESTLING debut! #IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
.@TheJasonHotch was no match for @bhupindergujj4r's spear! #IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
After the match, Myers leaves the commentary table and attacks Gujjar with a DDT. Myers tells referee Scott Armstrong to count to three but he refuses. Myers confronts Armstrong but Gujjar takes him out with the Gargoyle Spear. Armstrong counts to three to symbolize a Digital Media Title victory for Gujjar!
.@bhupindergujj4r just took off with @Myers_Wrestling Digital Media Championship! #IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
Knockouts World Tag Team Champions VXT confront IMPACT official Gail Kim. Deonna Purrazzo demands a Knockouts World Title opportunity after pinning the reigning champion, Jordynne Grace, in their tag team match earlier tonight. Kim makes a blockbuster match for next week – Purrazzo vs the undefeated Masha Slamovich with the winner challenging Grace at Bound For Glory!
.@gailkimITSME just made it official! @DeonnaPurrazzo vs @mashaslamovich NEXT WEEK and the winner meets The Knockouts Champion @JordynneGrace at #BoundForGlory!#IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
After leaving with the Digital Media Title, Bhupinder Gujjar tells referee Scott Armstrong that if Brian Myers wants it back, he can come take it from him!
.@WWEArmstrong caught up with @bhupindergujj4r backstage to TRY and take the Digital Media Championship back but it looks like @Myers_Wrestling might have to be the one to do it!! #IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander vs Vincent
Before Josh Alexander defends the IMPACT World Title against Honor No More leader Eddie Edwards at Bound For Glory, he steps into the ring with Vincent here tonight. Vincent hits a side Russian leg sweep, followed by Red Rum for an early two count. Alexander avoids a running knee strike in the corner, then brings the fight to Vincent with a series of clotheslines. Alexander locks in the Ankle Lock but Vincent makes it to the ropes. Alexander connects with the Falcon Arrow, followed by the C4 Spike to win!
IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander def Vincent
.@TheHorrorKingVM lands Red Rum on @Walking_Weapon!#IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
C4 SPIKE!@Walking_Weapon #IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
After the match, Eddie Edwards appears at the top of the ramp. He has chosen his side in the war against the professional wrestling industry, which tries to wear down great warriors like them until they become mindless grunts. Edwards asks Alexander which side he is going to choose and says that they can stand together in this war. Edwards steps into the ring where he gets blindsided with a Wake Up Call from Heath!
The #1 Contender @TheEddieEdwards had words for @Walking_Weapon! ….and @HEATHXXII strikes YET AGAIN!#IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
Raj Singh and Shera send a warning message to the IMPACT locker room. Meanwhile, Moose and Steve Maclin are attacked by Sami Callihan while having an argument. Moose and Maclin quickly gain the advantage and assault Callihan outside the arena with barbed wire.
.@TrueRajSingh wanted some RESPECT but was interrupted by @TheSamiCallihan attacking @SteveMaclin and @TheMooseNation!!#IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
Can anyone stop Masha Slamovich?
.@mashaslamovich has been UNSTOPPABLE since arriving in @IMPACTWRESTLING!#IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
Alisha vs Jessicka w/ Rosemary
Jessicka competes for the first time since emerging from the Undead Realm as she battles Knockouts mainstay, Alisha. Jessicka puts on her war paint and goes on the offensive. Jessicka hits a powerslam, followed by a running crossbody. Alisha leaps off the top rope but Jessicka catches her in mid-air. Jessicka spikes her with a piledriver for three!
Jessicka w/ Rosemary def Alisha
It's time for JesSICKa's DEBUT!@FearHavok #IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
Don’t miss an all-new IMPACT! next Thursday at 8/7c on AXS TV and 8:30pm ET on YouTube for IMPACT Insiders. Mickie James returns to the IMPACT Zone for a big announcement. The Good Brothers defend the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles against Matt Taven and Mike Bennett to kick off the show. Plus, Knockouts World Tag Team Champion Deonna Purrazzo battles Masha Slamovich with the winner challenging Jordynne Grace for the Knockouts World Title at Bound For Glory!
.@MickieJames makes an announcement NEXT WEEK on #IMPACTonAXSTV!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
Sami Callihan appears at ringside wrapped in barbed wire and lays out the challenge for a Barbed Wire Massacre match against Moose and Steve Maclin at Victory Road!
.@TheSamiCallihan wants @SteveMaclin and @TheMooseNation in BARB WIRE MASSACRE at #VICTORYROAD! #IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
Violent By Design (Eric Young, Joe Doering & Deaner) vs Time Machine (KUSHIDA, Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley)
It’s main event time as Violent By Design looks to eliminate the longtime allies of KUSHIDA and the Motor City Machine Guns. Violent By Design is in control, slowing down the pace to their advantage. Sabin is being punished by VBD when he explodes with a burst of momentum and makes the tag to KUSHIDA. The pace quickens as KUSHIDA hits a pair of handspring elbows to Young and Doering. Shelley targets the left arm of Deaner, before Sabin takes him out with a running kick. Sabin dives through the ropes, colliding with Doering on the floor. KUSHIDA soars with a flying knee off the apron. Young spikes Sabin with a modified driver but KUSHIDA and Shelley break the count. Young hits a top rope elbow drop on Sabin. Time Machine gain control with a flurry of unique offense. KUSHIDA hits a Pele Kick on Deaner, followed by the Cradle Shock from Sabin to win!
Time Machine (KUSHIDA, Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) def Violent By Design (Eric Young, Joe Doering & Deaner)
Time Machine TAKES FLIGHT on #IMPACTonAXSTV!!!@SuperChrisSabin @fakekinkade
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
Both @CodyDeaner and @TheEricYoung land DEVASTATING top rope moves! #IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
CRADLE SHOCK! @SuperChrisSabin @fakekinkade #IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) August 26, 2022
Time Machine celebrates their victory as IMPACT! goes off the air.